Kafka Price Update


To consume price updates, you will need to create a Kafka consumer and then subscribe that consumer to the <client>.price.generated topic. Whenever there is an update to the price or status of an offering, an updated message will be pushed to the topic in the following format:

{	"leagueId": "6b3e9b3b-0b2d-4a1f-bb0d-4e87ad704738",
    "eventId": "e8601634-6cdb-436d-bedc-e865a5a13504",
    "instrumentType": "PLAYER_PROP/PARLAY",
    "inProgress": False,
    "operatorId": "<client>",
    "pickId": "57c03eff-d4ff-4aa4-ac5b-4021b4409d7c",
    "pick": { # empty for parlays
    	"marketId": "33a9c4f2-bab5-1224-8a02-f1c61f984082",
        "marketType": "HOMERUNS", # (RESULT, SPREAD) for team bets
        "line": 0.5, # (NONE for moneyline, +-FLOAT for spread)
        "side": "OVER/UNDER" # (HOME, AWAY) for team bets
    "parlay_legs": [ # empty for single prop bets
    "price": {
        "impliedProbability": 0.33,
        "americanOdds": 200, # This is after bias and vig
    "upstreamTimestamp": "2023-09-08T03:24:21.581",# Time record was placed in stream
    "offeringStatus": "ACTIVE", # SUSPENDED
    "finalizingStatus": "NOT_FINALIZED", # (PENDING, FINALIZED)
    "outcome": "NOT_YET_SETTLED" # (WINNER, LOSER)
    "displayStatus": "ON", # OFF
    "limit": 500,
    "cashoutAvailable": True,
    "quoteId": "fadc235f-9cb3-43b1-a2bd-783aa13c40d0" # unique ID for every price emission