Kafka Submit Bet


For Mojo to market make more effectively (in order to provide the most accurate prices), we can intake information on every bet made on your platform. That data should be pushed to the <client>.bet.submitted topic of our Kafka stream in the following format:

    "orderId": (string), #must be unique for each order
    "userId": (string), #must be unique for each user
    "operatorId": (string), #operator name
    "pickId": (string), #mojo pickId
    "instrumentType": (string), #bet type. valid values are [PLAYER_PROP, PARLAY]
    "cashout": (boolean), #entry or exit of a bet. valid values are [True, False]
    "quoteId": (string), #ID of the quote associated with the trade execution. quote is a single unique price emission
    "executedTimestamp": (string), #timestamp of bet acceptance in UTC format in this structure "2023-02-11T23:00:00.000Z"

    "amount": (float), #total bet amount with this wager inclusive of freeBetAmount. $200.05 = 200.05
    "freeBetAmount": (float), #free bet amount with this wager. $101.05 = 101.05
    "oddsBoostAmount": (float), #boosted amount as a percentage. 50% boost = 0.5
    "currency": (string), #currency of bet. valid values are [USD]
    "commissionAmount": (float), #commission amount as a dollar. $1.55 = 1.55

    "decimalValue": (float), #decimal value of the odds of the bet
    "americanValue": (int), #american value of the odds of the bet
    "originalFormat": (string), #displayed format of the odds on the client app. valid values are [AMERICAN, DECIMAL]

    "productType": (string), #type of product the customer was playing. valid values are [FREE, PAID] 
    "channel": (string), #channel where bet was placed by customer. valid values are [MOBILE, WEB]
    "country": (string), #country where bet was placed. valid values are [USA]
    "region": (string), #state where bet was placed. valid values are [NJ, CA, NY, etc - other 2 letter state abbreviations]