
The Mojo API uses API Keys to authenticate requests. API keys are provided on request at the onset of an integration. They are provided via links to 1Password items. These links expire within 30 days

 of sharing, so make sure to save them in a permanent place.

Mojo uses these keys both to authenticate and determine market offerings - be sure to keep your API keys secure! Do not share your secrets in any publicly accessible areas such as GitHub, client-side code, etc.

You will be provided a distinct key for staging (stg) and production (prd). Use stg for testing, and prd for your live application. All requests made to the Mojo API must include your key in the header. Add the following header to each request:

 x-api-key: <

Example Request

You can use this request to check your API key and the status of the API.

curl -i \-H "x-api-key: exampleKey"

If you've provided a valid API key and the API is up, you should receive a Success 200 response. Please refer to our Swagger for more on the expected responses and their meanings.

View Swagger